We remember and celebrate the life of Gloria Dylewski. She touched our lives in many different ways; she was a beautiful daughter for her parents Willis and Lucille, a loving wife for her husband Bill, a wonderful mother for her sons Eric & Scott, and a dedicated and giving friend to so many others.

Gloria was born in Altadena, CA on January 26, 1944 to Willis and Lucille Humphreys. Growing up, she enjoyed time with her mother who led her Brownie troop, and spent countless hours in the garage tinkering along with her father. Gloria had a few close friends and often went camping with her parents and extended family.

In the summer of 1971 she met her husband Bill and they fell in love having their first child, Eric, and short time later, Scott when moving to their current and present location in Tierrasanta. After raising her children for 6 years, Gloria longed to return to her previous profession, and started working as a secretary in the chemistry department at San Diego State University in March of 1981

While working at S.D.S.U. many of Gloria’s colleagues became her very close friends. She moved from Chemistry to Physics, and then to the Dean of Student Affairs’ office. All the while, she actively involved and worked to help entertain everyone around her- students, faculty, and administrators.
Inspired by her mother’s green thumb, Gloria enjoyed growing her own flowers at home, sometimes drying them to use in craft projects. Her fondness for crafts and sewing eventually turned into a passion for quilting which shel loved until her passing. She spent countless hours planning and sewing each quilt to give each recipient something very personalize and care.

Gloria always tried to help the people around her. She gave her endless motherly love to her family. She made extra meals for her father after her mother passed away. She took care of her husband when he had health problems and most of all, her heart until she could give no more.
Gloria died peacefully and painlessly on the evening of April 29, 2005. She is survived by her husband Bill, her father Willis, and her sons Eric and Scott.
The Gloria Ann Dylewski Memorial Scholarship was setup in her honor to help students at SDSU with their education in the science departments where she worked. You can contribute using the link above.